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412 search results for: Word of the year


Spring Clean and Organize Your Closet

Our closets are our best friends and our worst enemies. Lurking in there are all sizes of clothes, keepsakes from our youth, elastic that has no elasticity and shoes that are completely fabulous but totally uncomfortable.  It’s time to get in gear and make closet decisions.  Use these tips to spring clean and organize your […]


How Recycling Electronics Make a Difference

  It’s started as a drip and now it’s a tsunami. The rate of new electronics coming into our home is beyond a pace we imagined.  New technology evolves faster and faster.  Recycling electronics makes a difference for our environment.  We can make the conscious choice to recycle electronics. According to the Environmental Protection Agency: […]


Beginner’s Guide to Time Management

  Each year we start off with great intentions about our time management, like arriving on time, scheduling appointments, and prioritizing our time with our family. Even the most organized can feel stressed by time challenges. Having a few guidelines can make it easier to be productive and feel in control.   • Time for […]


Spring into Organizing

    It’s not been a long winter, but we are already hearing robins chirping, the sun rising earlier and the sensing feeling of change.  It’s also the time we feel ready to tackle organizing in our space.  It’s time to spring forward into organizing.   There’s a few important spaces that need attention.  These […]


A Spa Treatment for your Bathroom

Sometimes it is the little things that matter most! Getting your bathroom and vanity area organized can make a difference in getting out the door on time in the morning and starting the day with a bright outlook! Pamper yourself with these tips for organizing makeup and jewelry.  Organizing your bathroom makes it easier to […]


Organizing Your Money

  Money and finances mean many things to people. Depending on our background, we may have experienced scarcity or prosperity. We may view money as “to be spread around like manure” (thank you Hello Dolly!) or for only the most important of needs. Organizing your money means getting a big picture perspective, having tools set […]


10 Best Professional Organizers in Houston

  I am honored to be a part of the Houston Moving Guide as one of the ten best professional organizers in Houston.    Author Jill Jarvis contacted me to share about my business. What does a professional organizer do? Isn’t it my job to keep my things in order? If I live in the […]


How to Rock being an ADHD Parent

  Being a mom or dad is a tough job.  Being an ADHD parent requires more.  Keeping your home organized and beautiful, your children on track with school and well behaved, and prioritizing your own well being are a lot for those with executive function challenges.  Here are some tips to rock your parenting job. […]