COVID-19 How to Use This Time Purposefully

covid-19 how to use this time for purpose


There are many emotions and daily changes that are happening. Some days are better than others. It seems that the only constant is change with daily updates on how to live life, what’s next, and what is being put in place for our community. We are all cultivating resilience and courage, as well as learning more and more. Please know I am here to support you and be part of your Quaranteam.


We can use this time purposefully.  This pause has given us the gift of time in an unusual way and that hopefully we will never have again. We can be intentional with this time and give ourselves the gift of purpose. I have chosen two strategies to give purpose to each week. For me it is building new habits and giving back. These two elements have given me structure, focus and meaning.


Building new habits

Being at home more, I have the opportunity to build better habits that have been harder to develop.  There are many strategies to make habits stick. (Yes, certified professional organizers are a work in progress too.) Simple habits like exercising more and drinking more water have eluded me because I was not able to work these into a reliable time during the week. Early appointments and long days made it hard to get in enough steps.  Carrying a water bottle seemed cumbersome during the week. Time at home has given me an opening in the morning to accomplish my 10k steps a day. The benefit I imagined, such as improved sleeping and ongoing positivity, are reason enough to continue past the end of quarantine.  Drinking more water, with a sliced lemon, has become my beverage of choice through the day. Just adding these two simple parts of daily life are important to my well being, my work and my family.

I encourage you to choose one small, valued habit to make a difference during this time.  On top of my list would be a great sleep routine, next being healthy eating. These foundational self care elements help you live your best life!


Giving back to others

How to Help and Give Back is front page news on the Wall Street Journal. Research fully supports the value of helping others during times of stress. Helping others does not have to be big.  It’s in small acts and gifts. Thank you to everyone making masks. These contributions are already making a difference for everyone (especially as we are now required to wear masks.)

In addition, here are some amazing stories I am hearing. A friend brings Chick-fil-a to a “work from  home” family with 2 kids under 5 to brighten the day. A friend writes “I miss you” notes and tapes these to the her friends’ back yard gates. There are countless donations of gift cards to service industry professionals like nail salon workers, hair stylists and cleaning ladies. Do what you can with what you have to be a contributor.

There are big needs for our community too. These are links to needs local to Houston.


We have some bumpy roads ahead as we make our way through this dark time.  The time passes more quickly if we all have purposeful intentions and actions.  Comment below on how you are making a difference! I’d love to hear from you!

10 Day Organizing Challenge Day 10 Email

To boost our successes in home decluttering and organizing, I created this easy, simple and small 10 day series.

Follow along as we declutter and organize 10 small spaces over 2 weeks to make life simpler.


Spring organizing challenge email


Congrats on your success! You are ready to live a more organized, easier, simpler life!  Thank you for participating!

10 Day Organizing Challenge Day 9 Cleaning Supplies

To boost our successes in home decluttering and organizing, I created this easy, simple and small 10 day series.

Follow along as we declutter and organize 10 small spaces over 2 weeks to make life simpler.


Spring organizing challenge cleaning supplies

10 Day Organizing Challenge Day 8 Coupons and Receipts

To boost our successes in home decluttering and organizing, I created this easy, simple and small 10 day series.

Follow along as we declutter and organize 10 small spaces over 2 weeks to make life simpler.


Organizing challenge coupons and receipts

10 Day Organizing Challenge Day 4 Purses

To boost our successes in home decluttering and organizing, I created this easy, simple and small 10 day series.

Follow along as we declutter and organize 10 small spaces over 2 weeks to make life simpler.


spring organizing challenge purses

10 Day Organizing Challenge Day 3 Shoes

To boost our successes in home decluttering and organizing, I created this easy, simple and small 10 day series.

Follow along as we declutter and organize 10 small spaces over 2 weeks to make life simpler.

spring organizing challenge shoes

10 Day Organizing Challenge Day 2 Kitchen Utensil Drawer

To boost our successes in home decluttering and organizing, I created this easy, simple and small 10 day series.

Follow along as we declutter and organize 10 small spaces over 2 weeks to make life simpler.

spring organizing challenge utensil drawer